Sunday, September 4, 2011

Day 153: Missing Him

I thought I would be OK with this temporary separation because we did spend 5 years constantly saying “goodbye” to each other. Buuut this wasn’t the case. It was different this time. For example, when we were apart in the previous years I would pile up all the things I wanted to tell him and wait until later (or days) to tell him. Now that we live together, I just turn around and tell him. Being without him these past few days feels so empty. I remember the first night I woke up without him by my side: it SUCKED and I didn’t like the feeling not one bit. I really missed him rolling over and cuddling me so that he could convince me to stay in bed.

One of my biggest concerns when we were finally living together was that I wouldn’t miss him like I used to miss him when we lived 2 hours apart; or that I wouldn’t have the butterflies in my tummy as I waited to see him again the following week. Well, that feeling is here; alive and well! This time it’s a little different though. This time instead of being a “Goodbye, see you soon” feeling, it is a “Goodbye, and I can’t wait until you are back home.” It’s more of a “we don’t belong apart” feeling instead of "we are apart and making it work." On a daily basis, I still do get anxious to see him. I'm lucky enough to be able to come home for lunch everyday so I get to a nice "Hello kiss"... everyday.

 *barf* lol. Ok, enough of the mushy stuff.

Don’t get me wrong; I’m not a complete sap. I didn’t sit around a mope all day (well, I at least tried not to). I did have a bit of distraction, which helped with my separation anxiety. I needed to get our humble abode ready for Team Mojo's arrival in a few days.

Buuuuut first... I slept for 14 hours. August caught up to me and knocked me out cold.

1 comment:

  1. I totally knew you were missing your other half when I kept seeing your stats on fb. I am so glad you two are reunite and after so long doing the distance you two are finally together and your hearts don't want you to do taht distance thing again- I think its sooo cute :-)
