Saturday, August 20, 2011

Day 138: Bye Okinawa!

Okinawa was the best ending to our 3-week long trip. Seeing my LS and her family was priceless. Her girls are growing up fast and are beautiful, smart, funny, and full of love. Seeing my LS and her husband together was like seeing true commitment in the physical form. I loved holding the baby in my arms and turning her cries into pure laughter and I loved sitting with their oldest for 20 minutes watching and cheering her on as she traced the letters of the alphabet. We can not thank them enough for being great hosts and welcoming us into their homes for 10 days. Being with them was the best way to end our trip.

Before we left we HAD to get picture with the planes/jets/ultra-super fast mechanical birds in the sky flown (or once flown) by the U.S. Air Force!!

Adonis' trip to Japan was PERFECT due to the fact that (1) he got to overdose on the crab legs he had been craving for months in Australia and (2) he got to bring back 3 bottles of Frank's Red Hot Sauce which is not sold in Australia lol.

Thank you isn't enough to say to the Luna Family but it'll have to do for now.

Hasta la proxima vez y el proximo pais Familia Luna!

1 comment:

  1. That sounds wonderful and seeing pictures just isn't enough, the Lina girls are beautiful and their parents are awesome so I can just imagine how wonderful it was hanging out with them.

    I can also imagine Adon's face when he was eatting those crab legs and making out like a hot sauce bandit, haha.
