From Diana:
We accidently celebrated our first 30 days together... and the longest amount of time we have been together under one roof in the 6 years of this relationship. Adonis had been craving Sushi recently and what better way to satisfy the craving than going to "Nobu" restaurant! I am undecided about sushi ... but today I had about 7 Tuna rolls and even had two of Adonis' Eel and cucumber sushi rolls. Fun, right? I thought the Eel thing would freak me out ... but it didn't.
I have to admit that my taste for different types of food has broadened since I've been with Adonis. He knows if I would like certain foods or not, so he wouldn't let me try something he knows I definitely wouldn't like.
On a personal photography note...
I feel like my first 30 days of this 365 were successful. I used the first 30 to get used to the idea of taking a photo a day for a year. All of the photos in the first 30 were in my comfort zone and were the types of photos I am used to taking. I'll be honest and say that it felt like FOREVER... and to think we still have 300+ more days to go!! Will you stick around with us for that long?
I will use the next 30 days to work on getting outside my comfort zone. I plan on venturing out into the streets a bit more and doing some funky composition. We'll see if I can achieve this in 30 days. Hmmm, does this mean I'll have sucky photos? Or, will my creativity boost??
I feel like I have heard of Nobu...looks delish-- the thing with sushi is you have to be like Nike and Just Do It! lucky for you Adonis is an awesome hubby and won't set ya up to throw up lol. The first 30 days of photos have been amazing everyday I feel like I am looking at time life magazine quality photos with a more artsy style. Lets keep this thing going! Pics and always trying new things :-)